There’s only one thing I like about the “tiny house movement.”

It’s not a movement… It’s actually a sign.

It’s a sign that people are not necessarily confined to “the norm” or some idealized concept of home and also that trailers are finally getting the respect that they always deserved.

Historically if you told someone you live in a trailer it would conjure up images of dirt paved trailer parks and unruly children running wild. If you told someone you live in a van down by the river, well, that’s just a ridiculous Saturday Night Live skit. If you told someone you live in a mobile home well then you’re just asking for the question: “What are you doing with your life?”

Americans have plenty of jokes about living in your parent’s basement or garage but in some countries parents actually want their kids at home.

I just heard a joke saying, “I don’t date guys without a bed frame.”

I feel targeted since I sleep on a futon… oh the disgrace.

For some reason, right now, tiny homes and trailers are gaining respect and are even seen by many as their ultimate dream.

from medium

When I first moved in, I didn’t realize that this house was all that I would ever need.

from medium

“It’s much more important what your home looks like on the inside than what it looks like on the outside. It’s more important that you want to cook there than whether your kitchen has trendy granite and stainless steel finishes. We should not be looking at others for approval we should be looking within for insight. Don’t waste too much time looking at Pinterest and lifestyle magazines for inspiration from others and spend more time looking within to decide what is right for you.”