Let the chaos begin

There is no escape from the chaos in the tiny house

I’ve started to tear apart my house in order to add the seismic retrofit brackets required by my engineer. I have to open up the walls in order to gain access to the studs.

Below is the engineer’s drawing that tells me where I have to put brackets and strengthen the studs that are in the walls. I suppose it would be different if I wasn’t in earthquake country. I live pretty close to an earthquake fault line as well.

This is the engineer's drawing showing bracket locations

These are the brackets that need to be installed

These are the brackets that need to be installed. The manufacturer specifies how the brackets are to be attached. All of these materials and fasteners are available to the novice home owner like me.

Life goes on during construction

As you can see in the next picture below, I had to move my washing machine out of it’s closet in order to gain access to the exterior wall. It is still hooked up and works fine just takes up a bit more room than before. This is how it will be for some time. I need to do a fair amount of work in that tiny room.